I am dedicating this project to the Memory of my mother, Donna R. Rugg, who was an avid gardener, budding archivist, and dear friend to many – and someone who was always curious and quick to share the joy of discovery and learning with anyone. She passed away before her time from Alzheimer’s.
She has been on my mind a lot lately – especially as I have been considering what to call this project. I feel that I am but an offshoot of that well-developed green-thumbed soul… and that my brothers and I represent some of the propagation in her garden, lovingly grown, of which she was most proud. I am eternally grateful for this… My intention here is to do justice to that legacy – to the gifts and talents she has given me.
Around the time of her passing, and Memorial, Spring was in full swing in Richmond, VA…and it was glorious. My brother Sam and I were with her for her last breath, and I wrote then that I felt sure “her spirit mingled with the spring breeze, and went out to kiss the flowers and to feel the sun and rustle the trees.” She was never a flashy person, but very real and true. I remember also feeling strongly (a kind of knowing) the message that vibrant spirit, that life, had for me, indeed all of us: The truth will set you free. I remember feeling that for me, this meant being true to myself. To consider deeply what that meant; and to act accordingly.
That was a seed my mother’s spirit (one of many, I’m sure) planted in me, just over two years ago. It began a journey that is still unfolding, and creating offshoots – and planting seeds – of its own.
This blog will be an attempt to document those seeds of wisdom, the sprouting stories – the glorious garden of my own life, and those it touches, and is touched by – inspired by the courage, wisdom, and ‘pluck’ that my mother planted in me, that I am seeking to cultivate more consciously now.
I will be posting some of the details of my journey, some articles and excerpts that I have found inspiring, as well as poems and pictures, and links and thoughts about things I find along the way. I see my journey as an exploration of the interconnectedness, spirit, intention, beauty and joy in what we cultivate and grow in the world – how our own journeys manifest these things, if we approach them with a sense of our own worth, a sense of what is true – green and growing – in our own hearts. And with compassion for all that is living and growing in the world. My hope is that in exploring, considering what my work and purpose is in the world, and documenting it here – that I will be doing something worthwhile not just for myself – but that my story may be reaching out to a wider community, one that also includes animals and plants, and whose seeds will germinate and take root in surprising ways… adding its humble green growth and inspiration to the world.